Entertainment company offering a variety of services including communications & strategy consulting, producing, media training, and traditional PR. EME produces results at the intersection of strategic storytelling, memorable experiences, and cultivating connection through community.
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"I'm not a writer." "Yes, you are."

“I’m not a writer.” “Yes, you are.”

Rebuild your magic ✨

*Originally dated August 12th, 2023

Hey hey, my magical friend! How you doing? I know I'm coming to you a day late. I am wiped after another week of weird sleep and this wild astrological weather - between the Lion's Gate Portal and retrograde season, I am not sure what to make of things. 

But that's the beauty of tarot, it can help you find some calm in the storms of life. Direction and clarity are still there even when you don't think there's any to be found.

Shall we?

Onto the tarot with…

The Tower, reversed🗼

Deck: Marseille Tarot

This week we've got another digital reading from Moonlight because your Ivy League Witch dropped the ball and needed to use a digital deck. And the synchronicity is wildly mundane - I pulled this exact card myself earlier this week! 

The Tower gets a bad rap because it is a dramatic crumbling down to the foundation. It's the point in the Major Arcana where The Fool's rickety structures are called into question and only the stable stuff gets to stay. 

Most people hate this card, but it's one of my favorites since it strips everything down to the bare minimum and makes space for rebuilding.

With this reversal, what internal structures and beliefs are collapsing for you? Personally, I'm shattering the plexiglass ceiling that shapes my beliefs around abundance, receiving, and worth. 

What about you? Where are you erasing the story and sharpening your pencils to rewrite the chapter that you want to be living? Reply and let me know!

Jacquie BonnetComment