Spiritual Psychologist, Multidisciplinary artist, Speaker

Emily McGill Entertainment

What if the most powerful thing about you is the one thing you haven’t explored?


As a high-achieving human, there’s nothing you haven’t been able to tackle, prove, or produce

Your ability to demonstrate strength and intellect is matched only by the level of caretaking and service you’ve provided to all the people in your life. 

There comes a point in our lives where we’ve gone off script—or the script just ends. When it’s time to stop taking direction and start writing our own story

You’ve always known there’s something within you that wasn’t given, taught, or trained; a knowing, maybe even a power. 

But you’re not sure you understand what it is or how to use it

And what’s worse—you fear that to let anyone see it would be to risk your reputation and credibility, or open you up to criticism. Or even scarier, that it’s some shadow side that’s dangerous to dabble in. 

So you keep this knowing, and this itch to discover more, hidden.

Somewhere along the line you lost something. You were young, bold, optimistic, and then suddenly things slowed down, felt harder. And regardless of all the success you can point to — great job, great friends, great life — you realize something feels incomplete.

You can’t keep living a three-quarter life and pretending it’s full. 

You’ve worked so hard to be good. To be acceptable, gain approval. No one told you that you were allowed to do and be more.

What you’ve believed was your full strength all this time may have been just a tip of the iceberg, and not even close to what you can do.

What if you really explored that power? That part you haven’t revealed? Maybe you’re not sure where to begin, and what you could really use is some clarity, and a heaping spoonful of courage.

What would it be like if you could change how you’re moving through the world, how you see and are being seen? What would it be like to know yourself, and your life, in ways you hadn’t before?

You’ve been told that your self care starts and ends at spa treatments, yoga, and the occasional nap. And that anything beyond that requires a prescription. What if self care was less about what you bought, and more about what you thought? What you understood.

What if a clearer, better understanding of yourself and your potential was a form of self care and personal development that no one ever taught you?

Of course there’s fear there, too. If you go looking, you don’t know what you will find. Once you start turning over stones, you can’t unsee what’s there. Part of you is afraid to do that. What if there’s something you don’t want to know? Or worse, discover there’s nothing there at all, or that your life has been a series of concessions you made and that you’re complicit in building the box you feel trapped in. Because why would knowing make a difference if you can’t change the past?

How I work

I am not a therapist or fortune teller. I use the tarot, but would not and do not bill myself as simply a “tarot card reader”—which literally anyone with a deck can do (and does). 

My role as a spiritual psychologist and advisor is to provide you with a kind of mirror, one that reveals your power and agency to you—and I do that by drawing on my education and expertise in psychology, archetypal symbolism, and strengths-based coaching—as well as my deep study and practice with the Tarot. It’s simply one of the many tools we use to guide our conversation and your journey.

What I am is (and all these terms apply): an advisor, a guide, a spiritual psychologist with a masters from Columbia, an Ivy League Witch. Take your pick.

I work 1:1 with ambitious, successful women of all backgrounds who share one thing in common: They have this nagging and persistent sense that there’s far more to them than what they’ve been told, and so much more to explore and accomplish beyond what they’re being paid to do. 

Together we can go where your parents, boss, mentors, or traditional religion have failed to take you—to unveil a part of you that you may have not, until now, been ready to share with the world. Or claim for yourself.

You’d like to mine your true potential, explore your own gifts, and gain clarity and conviction about your worth in the world. 

There’s more of you to know…than you know. 

The struggle or stuckness you feel and likely have felt has nothing to do with what’s out there, and it’s also not a flaw or failing on your part. 

It’s a misalignment between your personal magic…and the rest of the world

I don’t mean magic as in top hats and magic wands—or as the manipulation of unseen forces, nor as a demonstration of illusion. 

It’s another word for the mystery of personal power, much of which goes untapped. 

What if the real magic was the opposite of illusion or manipulation—not an effort to control what’s out there but what’s in here. No sleight of hand or trickery, but an unveiling of the Self and your infinite potential and power

Because one big reason you feel the friction you do, the stuckness you do, is because you’re being pulled between two worlds
–The one where you’re told to be compliant and believe and obey others; and
–The one where you’re in full possession of your senses (all of them, not just the 5 or 6 you’re familiar with!)—and operate with a sense of power, clarity, and independence

The more clearly you see yourself, the more powerful you become. 

A powerful woman is a woman of resources—meaning she’s in possession of her full range of talent, vision, and agency

To ignore this part of you, sweep it under the rug, and resign yourself to others’ wills and goals, is to ignore the one thing about you that could change the scope and scale of your life

I want to help you see that version of yourself, to give you context for it, unpacking symbols, supporting you as you clear a path that is yours and yours alone. 

If you…

  • Feel disillusioned by institutionalized religion (for the most part).

  • Have explored therapy (whether currently in sessions or not)

  • Have consulted the insight of a tarot card reader, psychic, intuitive, or other energy worker

  • Consider yourself a “closet witch”—in that you’re fascinated by all things witchy-woo-woo like crystals, candles, Tarot, astrology, all of it, but tend to keep it hidden 

And you’ve also begun to…

  • Recognize that your own achievements, while admirable, have left you craving something else entirely 

  • Think a lot about purpose and passion in your life, and can’t seem to find any real answers 

  • Feel this nudge to go deeper, to learn more

If you’ve ever held a crystal in your hand and known its power, had your cards read and left alive with ideas, experienced a Reiki session that left you feeling like a new person, if you’ve ever wondered if there’s more to you than what the world has told you it wants to see,

… then it’s time to step into your own power. 


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(it’s the witchy stories tbh)