Spiritual Psychologist, Multidisciplinary artist, Speaker

pro bono pr


Pro Bono PR

Are you a marginalized voice ready to be heard?
EME is on a mission to amplify marginalized voices through select pro bono services.
Our focus and expertise are in the arts and entertainment industries (Broadway, baby!), so if your work is outside of this realm, our list of contacts will not support your goals.

  1. You write a press release. (Click here for a template and samples.)

  2. Email it to us for review and suggested edits.

  3. Schedule a call to work with us to understand how we streamline the information while honoring your voice.

  4. We share your press release with our sizable media contact list.

  5. Interested media are connected directly to you so that you can cultivate your own relationship.

Your voice matters.
Let’s amplify it together.