Spiritual Psychologist, Multidisciplinary artist, Speaker
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"I'm not a writer." "Yes, you are."

“I’m not a writer.” “Yes, you are.”

When Your Emotions Feel Too Big To Handle

One of the things that I’ve been working on in my journey towards self awareness and growth is feeling my feelings. And we all know that it is a very healthy, normal thing to feel them. And it is also very common to not want to feel them, especially the bad stuff. But without the bad, we don’t know what the good feels like. So for the last couple of years thanks to lots of therapy, I’ve been exploring how to feel into my feelings (I’m STILL working on it. My therapist said to me yesterday that I so quickly pivot from the discomfort to the next emotion).

The biggest trouble for me with all of this is that my feelings are MASSIVE. I’m talking tsunami style - sometimes it feels like if I let the emotion happen to its fullest, I will drown. While intellectually I know this is not true, it feels incredibly real to me. My bestie recently took me to a breath workshop and when discussing our takeaways, she said that no matter how big or powerful something is, she knows that her power is bigger and it cannot break her. She’s a little further along in some of this than I am, but that’s the understanding that I’m working towards with my emotions.

The thing with emotions is that once you’ve really gone to the place that feels like you might die and you don’t, you realize that you’re capable of anything. And with that realization, you feel invincible for a split second. Sometimes I am afraid of my feelings, and the exploration of stepping towards them through spiritual and energetic work has helped allay that fear a bit. Allowing myself the space to express my emotions is making a world of difference, and I’m taking suggestions for how you manage feeling into yours. Cheers to staying alive and being fully emotive in 2020!

Emily McGillComment