Moving Through Uncertainty
Hey world, I’m typing this from my bedroom two days after I would have usually posted to the blog, but it’s been a weird ass week. From the initial reports that the coronavirus had arrived in New York, to a full-blown panic and the inability to get toilet paper or canned goods, things ramped up really quickly. What does this mean for the world?
To be honest, I have no idea. Until this morning, I’ve been saying that I’ll keep living my life until the government tells me to stop (I mean the local and state governments, I don’t have a lick of hope for the feds with the heat miser in office). BUT, as I’ve been examining my own heart and mind around what is happening in the world, I am starting to rethink my position.
We are all moving through uncertainty right now - from the unknown of what will happen to the global economy, to the fear that our loved ones may be infected - it is a very real and challenging experience to navigate. That said, there is opportunity for us all to lean on each other in these times, and to do so digitally.
This afternoon my business partner Jess and I had a video work session where we started exploring how we might move forward with a Salon dinner idea that has been brewing for quite some time. And guess what? We have a really cool digital concept that we’re going to explore and see if it catches on.
When the world as we know it is turned upside down, we find new opportunities through our creativity and humanity to move forward. So, what are you doing with your creativity and humanity? Cheers to more of both in 2020!