Spiritual Psychologist, Multidisciplinary artist, Speaker
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"I'm not a writer." "Yes, you are."

“I’m not a writer.” “Yes, you are.”

Balancing your magic

How much is on your plate? 🍽

Happy Summer Solstice, my friend!  We are out here enjoying our long summer evenings and celebrating the world waking back up.  But what happens when we try to invite all of the returning beloved things from the before times to live alongside the pandemic habits that we want to continue in our lives?  The buffet is open and the plates are FULL.

This reentry balancing act has all of us stumbling around like drunk children, bumping into each other and whacking our wounds in the process.  We are being inundated with both invitations and FOMO, the confusion of having been told that we can abruptly stop practicing the symptoms of depression that were forced on our systems over the last year and a half.

Slowly I'm learning this new balance - welcoming practices that I've integrated into my life during the pandemmy (centering social justice! my deepening tarot and spiritual practices! rejecting urgency for urgency's sake! prioritizing self-care and my own wellbeing!), and integrating things that I miss from the before times (the theatre! working somewhere other than home! drinks with friends! S.N.O.B.!).

It feels like learning to walk all over again, but I'm determined to continue to fine tune the balancing act for the rest of my life.  What are you learning to balance for yourself?  Reply and let me know ✨

Balance your magic,

Emily McGillComment