New (astro) year, new idea 💡
Oh hey stranger! How are you? What’s happening in your life? I’m trying something in this new (astro) year - debuting a weekly tarot reading to kick off your Moon Day! Please please please comment with what resonates and what doesn't.
And now for some tarot ✨
To kick things off, we have …
the King of Pentacles!
The King of Pentacles (sometimes called the King of Coins or Discs) is the pinnacle of his suit. Pentacles represent the element of earth - the physical, material, the manifest - and correspond to the physical plane.
The King of Pentacles is grounded, sure of his resources, and uses them wisely and strategically. He considers the results of his actions. With a paternal sense of understanding that each of us must learn to manage the infinite well of resources within, the King of Pentacles invites us to tap into the abundance we already have.
Where are you seeing abundance? Where can you utilize the resources you have? Let me know what you discover when you utilize your magic!