Connect with your magic ✨
Hoi, my magical friend! How is your heart? Mine is aching with a deep throb that has felt as though it's been there for ages, and a feeling of childish helplessness. Between Buffalo and Uvalde, I really don't have any words that feel appropriate. It wasn't much, but a donation to Everytown felt like a small action to take.
Before we faced another round of back to back national trauma, I wanted to ask about your playful and curious Page of Swords vibe. The email I wrote now feels trite, but I also acknowledge that we have to keep living, despite the darkness that we face every day.
So I'm here if you want to share about how you're feeling, or tell me what you ordered for dinner. You're welcome to join me in practicing the balance between childlike wonder and the wisdom of life experience.
Onto this week's tarot ✨
We have …
The Lovers, reversed
A Major Arcana card, The Lovers are often mistaken for actual lovers, romance, or long term relationships, when they represent relationships of all kinds. Yes, a romantic partner, and also your kids, your siblings, your parents, your bestie, colleagues, your boss, even YOURSELF!
That last one is what this card is giving me today - it's reversed which I often like to read as the internal expression of a card. In this particular pull, The Lovers are representative of your relationship to your higher power, to your boundaries, to your core, even to your shadows.
Where are you inviting those parts of yourself to connect, where are you avoiding the connection? Shadows can feel really gross, and it's vital to have a relationship with the parts of ourselves that we don't like - not to change our minds, but to accept the wholeness of our humanity.
Comment and let me know what this is bringing up for you, especially if it feels icky. And hug your loved ones tight.
Connect with your magic,
PS - I'm experimenting with hello in lots of languages - is there one you want to see? Tell me! Today's is Dutch, what can I say?, I'm pining for Amsterdam.