Spiritual Psychologist, Multidisciplinary artist, Speaker
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"I'm not a writer." "Yes, you are."

“I’m not a writer.” “Yes, you are.”

Surrender to your magic ✨

*Originally dated August 25th, 2023

Hiya, my magical friend! How's your Mercury retrograde and Virgo season going so far? It's been two days, but that Mercury Rx shadow period has been shadowing for a couple of weeks, so I'm really in the practice of going with the flow and accepting redirection without making it mean anything. Talk about a challenge! 

Turns out that when I actually do that, the Universe offers up some of the most magical moments ever. So I'm gonna keep it up!

Onto the tarot with…

the Queen of Swords ⚔️

Deck: Cats Rule the Earth Tarot

Yeah yeah, Leo season is over and we saw a cat in this email last week. But this awesome deck from my dear witchy friend Liz has been patiently waiting for her debut. So here she is!

The Queen of Swords is the ultimate momager (thinking Kris Jenner vibes). She's calculating, able to see multiple perspectives at once, and knows how to let others tie themselves in knots while she sits cooly waiting for the moment to pounce. She nurtures her brood and teaches them how to utilize their own brains.

Swords represent air, and the mind, technology, language, communication, information, and education. These things can easily get mixed up during a Mercury Rx, because Mercury rules them as well. 

There are opportunities to surrender to the chaos because the Universe is always going to oscilate between order and chaos, so its inevitable that the order will come. It might not come as quickly as you want, but sometimes the practice is patience (🙋🏻‍♀️).

Where are you surrendering? Reply and let me know!

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